Our Church Our Spiritual Home
An Active, Annual Commitment
An Orthodox Christian Steward is an active participant in the life of the Church. The parish encourages all who accept the Orthodox Faith to become practicing Stewards. Each year the Steward is expected to carefully review his or her personal circumstances and make a commitment of time, talent, and treasure to support the Parish and her Ministries. Stewardship, therefore, also includes volunteering to serve on church committees, helping to organize and execute church functions, singing in the choir, teaching Sunday School, cleaning and maintaining the Church, and other forms of ministry; it is engagement in the total life of the church. In other words, you should be active in the life of St. George.!
To be in good standing you must practice your faith and be committed to Christ and His Church:
(1) by living by the canons of the Church
(2) by regularly worshiping
(3) by pledging to the church and fulfilling your stewardship commitment
To be a “member in good standing” of St. George, each person or family must make a financial commitment (pledge) to the church on an annual basis. Your pledge amount should be prayerfully considered remembering that yes it does go to the operating expenses of our church first, as it should, but once our budget is achieved, your commitment goes to outreach programs. It is understood that situations change, and unforeseen events arise; a pledge may therefore be amended by simply calling the Church office.
Click the DONATE button to make a safe and secure donation of any type – banking, credit or debit.
Or download the free Tithe.ly app from the Apple Store or Google Play.
What is St. George’s average pledge? $712
How long does my stewardship commitment enable me to be a parishioner in good standing? You are in good standing for the calendar year. If you pay your pledge in January, you are in good standing until December 31. If you turn in your pledge in September, you are only in good standing until the end of that same year.
How do I become a part of St. George? Call the office or stop by the church and ask for a Welcome Packet. The packet includes a stewardship commitment card and a Membership Affirmation Application. Fill both out and return to the office.
What makes you a parishioner in good standing? “Any person, eighteen years of age or older, who was baptized according to the rites of the Church, or who was received into the Church through chrismation, who lives according to the faith and canons of the Church, who has met his or her stewardship obligation (part of which is to meet his or her stewardship financial obligation to the Parish) and abides by the regulations herein and the by-laws of the parish, except that a person under twenty-one shall not serve on the parish council when such service is contrary to local law.”
If you have any questions on the above, or you need further clarification, please feel free to contact Fr. Timothy with any additional concerns.
Pledge Today! 2025 Stewardship Card
Sunday Services
- Orthros (Matins): 8:30 a.m.
- Divine Liturgy: 9:45 a.m.
Other Resources